
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Parfait Heaven

So last night I made a parfait for dinner and it was so good I wanted another for breakfast! I change it up though last night I used chocolate protein and this morning used vanilla.
Overnight Oats Protein Parfait:
1/3 cup raw oats
1 tbsp each flax and chia seeds
2 tbsp nonfat vanilla yogurt
Greek yogurt
Nut butter
1 scoop vanilla protein
Almond milk
1. Mix 1-3 at night and store in fridge.
2. Make protein frosting by adding almond milk very slowly to protein, stirring constantly until you get to right consistency.
3. Stir oats and add a dash of almond milk to loosen it up.
4. Start layering. I did Greek yogurt, overnight oats, peanut butter, berries, protein frosting, granola. I don't make my layers very thick so you can choose to have thick or thin layers.
I like thin because you can get all the layers on one bite and not have to mix up your pretty parfait to get to everything.
*last night I did the same thing but made chocolate protein frosting.

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