
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cocoa Prune Almond Raw-Balls

So I've seen so many versions of raw balls but they are always with dates! Who has dates?! I have never even seen them in the store so instead I decided to use dried prunes. Plus prunes have lower calories, lower sugar, more fiber (excellent for your bowels!), more protein and lots more so I had no problem using them instead. I did my research first!
1 cup dried prunes
Few pieces dried coconut or 1/3 cup dried unsweetened coconut flakes
1/2 cup raw unsalted almonds
Quick dash of unsweetened cocoa powder
1. Rinse your prunes! You want all that processed extra sweet crap off of them! I seriously cleaned them in hot water for like 10 times.
2. Repeat step1 with coconut (not for coconut flakes though!)
3. Throw all in blender or magic bullet.
4. It takes a while and you have to stir a lot. Add a little water to get it going.
5. Roll into balls. Beware they are sticky!
6. Now the last part is your choice-what you roll them in: cocoa powder, chopped nuts, coconut flakes...or what I did toasted raw oats.

I prepped these for my clinical days to go with meal4: chobani nonfat plain Greek yogurt which I will eat during post-conference at like 4 before hitting the gym at like 5.
My clinical days are hectic but I love it! Makes me feel über productive; I'm gone at 530am and back around 730.


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