
Friday, October 26, 2012

Extremity Day!

That's nursing lingo for Leg Day-hammies and buttocks! Har to say I was not all there today at my 2nd home-felt sore and tight. Bummed but hey can't be a gnarly beast everyday. Your body will have its ups and downs, highs and lows, ons and offs. Best thing?... Listen to your body! So I went with lighter weights and completed my workout with what energy I had.
My eats:
Overnight egg white oats blended with some fruit.
Greek yogurt & mini banana
Power bowl of mushrooms, spinach, black beans, cucumbers, bruschetta, broccoli, strawberries, and blueberries.
Banana bread.
Rice cake with ricotta cheese on top.
Fiesta salad.
Peppermint hot chocolate (made with tea, almond milk, cocoa powder, stevia) with cottage cheese.

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