
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Last night after leaving the hospital I was pretty pumped for some odd reason-chest & biceps! Followed with sprints & stairmaster HIIT. I was approached by a man and he asked me "what sport do you play?" I responded with none, this is just how I train and live. We continued to talk about training and clean eating and he said " you stand out here because you go beyond working out and lifting" I loved that! It's amazing how if you step up your game and out of the box, how much attention you get...from fit, buff men! It's the best feeling to have been approached lately by as many pple and trainers as I have; I am so thankful and appreciative but I know I did it! I push myself and train hard for myself and other notice, best feeling.
So my post workout meal after that basically was eaten up by my muscles immediately so my casein was soon consumed.
Today was a bad day: I had absolutely no energy and my body was so sore when I got out of bed at 430am! Yup internal hospital alarm clock went off. Had my coffee über early and made breakfast by 6. I made a choc protein mug cake and Greek yogurt to go with it. After that I felt good and decided I could gym it up with the help of some aminos...on no no no. No aminos can fix no sleep and real exhaustion. I busted out shoulders & tris but man I took it slow, then cycled for 20, and ended with abs. I honestly had to fight to keep going. Plus I messed up my R shoulder delt doing heavy clean & jerks so it brutally hurts! I can't seem to knock it either, stretching is not helping really.
For lunch I was craving to bite into something so I went with a sammie. Whole wheat toast, pnut butter, coconut butter, banana, cocoa nibs, and cinnamon egg whites. Man it was pretty tasty...but the end result was horrible. I haven't had wheat toast in a REALLY long time so I felt sick, was bloated and my tummy swelled up. So I don't know if I developed a wheat intolerance or what but I'm stealing clear, maybe I'll try Ezekiel?
Dinner was my favorite meal, seriously! I could eat it everyday-if my man made this clean meal for me, he'd be a keeper! ;) so I had grilled salmon, steamed brussel sprouts, and brown rice (with wasabi). It kept me full but with my body being super duper sore I made myself my casein to feed my muscles.
Tomorrow is leg day and hopefully my legs aren't sore when I awake! And hopefully my normal body decides to come back!


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