
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sweet Potato Parfait

For my post workout meal I packed me up a parfait to eat before work. Oh man delicious!
Greek yogurt
Mashed sweet potato with cinnamon, flax and water to loosen.
Drizzle of pnut butter
Sliced strawberries
Chocolate protein icing
Layer it all up until you reach the top of your cup. Mine was like overflowing even in my Starbucks cup-when I put the lid on, it oozed down the sides.
So when I brought this into work, my coworkers were like "OMG what is that?!?" They are always curious about my eats and how I eat and they make fun but hey I love it!
My manager made up a story saying "I went into Home Depot the other day to get bird feed and the helper said this buff girl came and bought every bag" they sometimes call me a bird because of my flax, bran, seeds, nuts etc that I bring in. Oh they love me!!! lol


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