
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas with your family! I had a full house so it was really nice.
Greek yogurt w/ protein syrup, flax, chia seeds, banana, granola. 1 homemade biscuit & dab of gravy (my whole family grubbed on unclean biscuits and gravy while I ate mostly clean)
Raw veggie salad
Spaghetti with WW noodles, polenta.
Casein shake with cottage cheese.

As you can see I kept my Christmas eats clean! No sweets needed-I didn't have cravings, my protein suited me just fine! We did have fudge, cheesecake, cookies, etc but didn't have the urge.
My cheat meal was on Sunday with that fruit sundae parfait.
Tomorrow is leg day which was perfect that I loaded up on good carbs-my muscles will thank me in the morning!
Everyone entitled cheat days so don't feel guilty if you had a dessert; if you work hard and train hard, your body/metabolism will be revved up and kill those extra calories. Your bod needs a change once in a while.
Remember don't feel guilty.
Love my fitFam!

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