
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Protein Stuffed Baked Apple

🍎Protein Stuffed Baked Apple🍎

-core out apple (cut out enough to stuff). I used a knife but you can start with an apple corer. 

-spread nut butter inside (I used my homemade cinnamon-maple pecan butter). Any nut butter works.

-Filling: 1 egg white, 1 tbsp cinnamon swirl protein, 1 tbsp almond meal. Mix and pour in apple, (this is why you need to carve out enough apple).

-set apple in bake-able dish. Sprinkle with cinnamon, (next time I may drizzle with maple syrup so it caramelizes).

-bake 350 for 40mins.

-cut in half and top with whatever: honey, maple syrup, granola, cocoa nibs...etc. 

-I topped mine with my Paleo Crunch, which was yesterday's post!

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