
Monday, June 4, 2012

Busying myself before trip...2 days!

So my days are just a whirl wind of getting ready to leave. I havent been in the gym for over a week (but still doin workouts at home, though i can tell im in less shape). It turns out my gym membership was up so i postponed my membership to restart when i get back so ya not gym for from may30-july5. Long time but ill try to do circuits there-im promising myself to complete some form of exercise everyday from planks to squats to lunges to calf raises...any ideas to help???
So come recap;
made another smoothie at work-spinach, banana, strawberries, oats,protein, chia seeds, flax, grean tea
All dressed up for a Nursing Graduation Party. Lots of food but i ate fruit, salad, shrimp, tri tip, 1/2 red potatoe, green beans, water and NO dessert (there was about 30 to choose from-stay strong ya'll!)

For my long flights ill be packing lots of healthy yummy snacks
   -sugar snap peas
   -celery with pb
   -energy balls (recipe up soon!)
   -nuts and trail mix

I talked to my family and said just because im goin to Europe, does not mean im giving up my clean eats there. I said im still chooosing to eat right and healthy; they dont even expect me to have gelatto lol. We'll see what happens-i know ill be having pasta and wine in Italy, Pizza in Naples, Cappicinos everywhere, bratwersts in Germany, frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity in NY, Sushi at Ra in NY...hmm any others??? but guess what no beer for this girl-i hate it!
Hopefully i dont come back with too many pounds added on but i guess ill use that for muscles when i get back.I know ill be out of shape and exhausted upon returning but this is a ponce in a lifetime experience so i should live it up. Beside ill be ready to kill it in the gym and ive already ordered new stuff from Vitacost so ill already have them (CLA, gluatamine,BCAAs).

Have any challenges for me there??? (like ive made one for myself already, every escalador im on ill do calf raises the whole time)

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