
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesdays 3 Things

So last week i forgot about this so here ya go, some of my lastest obsessions:::
1. Eats:
(1 of 4)
Chocolate Pnut Butter Banana Scramble:
  • 3/4 banana
  • 3T rolled oats
  • 1/2T chia seeds
  • 1T shredded unsweetened coconut
  • 2T milk
  • 1/2t cinnamon
  • 1T pnut butter
  • 1T dark chocolate chips
  • splash of vanilla
  1. Mash everything together.
  2. Heat + grease a pan over medium heat.
  3. Plop into pan and flatten a little.  Heat on 1 side for 3-5min, until browned. 
  4. Flip to other side [or mash around] and cook for another 3+ minutes
This recipe seems interesting and rad; there are so many different versions of this banana scramble like chia, cocoa, cinnamon...I havent tried it yet but once i return from my trip im going to be making all of her recipes i saved.
By: EdiblePerspective

2. Random Interest:
The above recipe came from Ashley (edibleperspective) and seriously her blog is amazing. Over the past week, i have left my computer on, and have went through every post (lol 350!). I seriously loaded my computer docs with tons of recipes. She is a breakfast feind, as am I, so her posts where awesome and beautiful because she is a photographer. Check her out!

3. Clothes:
Ive developed this facination with these silky, light, button up, summery, tops
 <3 topwant these!
I have pinned so many on my pintrest style board! I have seem some at Forever21 but eh kinda pricey plus my shopping has all been for my trip and these babies wouldnt be an essential right now.

Anyone follow Ashley/EdiblePerspective??? What is our fav recipe of hers???

Whats your current obsession???

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