
Friday, December 21, 2012

Circuit Thursday

I wrote a killer WOD that i wasn't exactly ready for entering the gym Thursday morning. I punched it in the face but my bod felt like it was dragging.
I completed the 45min circuit, busted out 30mins if abs, and finished for 20mins on the row machine.
Chocolate peppermint EggWhite protein muffin
cellucor PB Marshmallow protein shake
Oats mixed with Greek yogurt, 2 slices banana bread
Apple, veggies with hummus
Chicken & brussel sprouts
Chocolate Casein Protein Shake & cottage cheese mixed with cinnamon & a tab of PB.

So I have decided once I finish my jar of PB (only like 4 tbsp left) I am not going to purchase anymore and see how long I can go without it. I lost the urge to have it when I have it up for a week but I had 3 jars of nut butters under my bed. I won't have any left. I do have a bit if my homemade Vanilla cinnamon Sunflower Seed butter left though that needs robe gone by New Years. That won't be a problem haha.
I usually don't set New Years Resolutions or if I do I don't remember lol but I'll say that I mine-giving up nut butter...for a while.

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