
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New PR!

Today was a splendid day!
Got a new PR on my squat weight, grubbed on sashimi, saw The Hobbit (a date).
Leg day was all heavy-start heavy and keep increasing weight to complete max!!! And I mean MAX! I am now squatting 205!!! Yeahhhh That much closer to my 225 goal! My weight training belt is a lifesaver and a back saver! 100% worth the purchase! Ps get real leather, so much better!
Killed my WOD then hit some ab moves that involved oblique twists, KB oblique twists, hanging knee raises, hanging straight leg raises, spiders, decline med ball crutch on decline bench...and some others.
Cocoa chocolate protein EggWhite muffin
Cellucor Cinnamon Swirl protein shake blended with a frozen banana
Nuked apple with Greek yogurt and slice if homemade banana bread
Sashimi, miso soup, tuna roll
Casein shake with unsweetened almond milk
I didn't eat much so this was a bad leg day high carb day-felt bloated after my sushi.
Ps The Hobbit is 3 hours long and I drank 3 cups of green tea and some water from gallon (which I brought inside the theatre lol my date loved it!) so basically I held my bladder for the whole dang long movie.
So I couldn't drink the whole time during the 3 hours so I am behind on my water consumption.

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