I was thrilled to see CrossFitGames wrote a whole article completely on Danielle. After what happened last year and what she has done since, she deserves every word typed and displayed.
I have been following Sidell from the beginning and to hear about her disqualification, made my heart break for her. I literally wished I could have hugged her and been there to simply say "you are my inspiration and always have been." Danielle having a military background pulled on her combat boots, turned that incident into drive and dedication.
I believe she will more than redeem herself on 14.1; I hope she blows the open out of the water, kills her regionals, makes it to the games so every crossfitter will know her name.
I know she'll make it all the way, not just because of her amazing performances lately and her new PRs, but because she has the edge and focus needed to get to the games. She has the discipline which is apparent by her nutrition and lifestyle of training.
I could rave on and on but I'm sure there will be more posts to come on this amazing athlete.
Here's to you Danielle!
Nope cause you dont need that! You can beast through it all! haha
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